It happens this way …
That old saying about early birds and worms? Our yard must be rich in worm protein since a half-dozen robins visit every day. I enjoy watching them stand still and tilt their heads intently – like a doctor listening to a patient’s heartbeat – as they track down their meal. Something I learned this season: They repeat this process not only for breakfast but for lunch, dinner, and in-between snacks. Probably a lot of mouths to feed in their nests!
Which brings me to the haiku they inspired.
I’ve always rooted for the underdog. I’ve been known to cheer for calves at rodeo events and for sports teams that have no chance of winning. I’ve even focused intently on kids in high school musicals who sing and dance behind the leads and admirably stay in character. That takes discipline, like the kind I needed in third grade to keep my silver-tinseled halo from falling off as we angels balanced on a rickety riser behind Mary, Joseph, and Jesus.
There’s no contest without calves or striving teams. No richness of production without a supporting cast.
So here’s to all the worms that, in the circle of life, support bird-life. A confession however: Whenever I catch sight of a crawly critter, I hide it beneath our Chinese wind flower leaves and dare robins to find it.
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